Taking a stoic approach is a mind trick. This short video shows why changing how you see things is important....
To be a leader, it’s said you have to act big, act bold. What if it’s uncomfortable for you? Here’s...
Orkney has a rich archaeological heritage, but it's eroding into the sea. For more videos on BBC REEL, visit: https://www.bbc.com/reel/...
In 1769, in Paris, a French philosopher Denis Diderot described how a new, luxurious red dressing gown made him miserable...
Women in Mumbai's fire brigade show how saving lives is not just a man's job. Video by Adam Barr. For...
Meet two 'handygirls' who help teach women home maintenance. For more videos on BBC REEL, visit: https://www.bbc.com/reel/ #bbcreel #bbc #bbcnews...
Becoming Spain's top female rejoneador requires a massive amount of dedication and sacrifice. For more videos from BBC REEL, visit:...
How Brazil's dreams died Economy In the first of a three part series, BBC News explores the crisis years of...
Producing clothes is a highly resource-intensive industry. This short video shows how one company in Sweden created a revolutionary way...