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The South American country is facing political and economic crises. But neighbours from the south are bringing new business in...
Ever get the feeling you’re paid to look busy? You’re not alone. What’s the point of your job? If you...
CONTENT ADVISORY: This video contains images of a sexual nature. The cavernous warehouses in TV series Westworld are filled with...
The Universe has been expanding ever since the Big Bang, but what is it expanding into? For more videos from...
A former prosecutor came up with a bizarre antidote those seeking solitude: being locked in a cell for two days....
Whether you’re constantly making tough calls or simply prone to hesitation, decision-making can be brutal. Watch this animation for sanity-saving...
In theory this is not the only Universe that might exist, and in many others, identical copies of us can...
A tiny engraving on a rock suggests Neanderthals made art. It is just a few criss-crossing lines scored into rock,...
Hundreds of sunken sculptures form the Museo Subacuático de Arte (MUSA) in the waters surrounding Cancún in Mexico. For more...