Some children in England have gone back to school for the first time since the coronavirus lockdown began.
Many schools have opened their doors to children in Reception and Years 1 and 6.
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Eddie Keogh / Reuters
On arrival parents and children were kept 2m apart as they queued to enter school.
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Eddie Keogh / Reuters
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Joe Giddens / PA Media
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Emma Lynch / BBC
Parents said goodbye at the door, as children headed inside to see what their socially distant classrooms were like.
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Emma Lynch / BBC
At this school in Mortlake, south-west London, each child was assigned their own desk, which were spaced around the classroom.
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Branwen Jeffreys / BBC
Some of the older pupils shared larger desks, but were still seated apart.
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At this school in Watlington, in Oxfordshire, a reduced number of children were allowed into each classroom so they could maintain social distancing.
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Emma Lynch / BBC
Pupils are told to wash their hands regularly.
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Louis Lomas / SWNS
At this school in Bristol a one way system is marked out on the floor.
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Eddie Keogh / Reuters
Even in the playground, the children are told to keep their distance.
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