The English Series Review (Prime Video / BBC Original 2022) with @Movies And Munchies – Patreon with Chris & Ruben
An epic chase Western, The English takes the core themes of identity and revenge to tell a uniquely compelling parable on race, power, and love. An aristocratic Englishwoman, Lady Cornelia Locke, and a Pawnee ex-cavalry scout, Eli Whipp, come together in 1890 middle America to cross a violent landscape built on dreams and blood. Both of them have a clear sense of their destiny, but neither is aware that it is rooted in a shared past. They must face increasingly terrifying obstacles that will test them to their limits, physically and psychologically. But as each obstacle is overcome, it draws them closer to their ultimate destination—the new town of Hoxem, Wyoming. It is here, after an investigation by the local sheriff Robert Marshall and young widow Martha Myers into a series of bizarre and macabre unsolved murders, that the full extent of their intertwined history will be truly understood, and they will come face-to-face with the future they must live.
Anime, Animation and World Cinema Movie and TV Series Reviews
Weekly Podcast: The Best Thing We Watched with Chris from Movies and Munchies and me from The Ruby Tuesday.
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Don’t forget to hug someone today… It’s so good we can chat about our love of media but most of all until next time…Live Long and Tuesday.
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Nicolas Cage Ratings Explained:
5 – Nic Cage in – Lord of War
4 – Nic Cage in – Leaving Las Vegas
3 – Nic Cage in – Pig
2 – Nic Cage in – Con Air
1 – Nic Cage in – The Wicker Man Remake
0 – Nic Cage in – Left Behind
#theenglishseries #TheEnglishPrimeVideo #TheEnglishBBC #seriesreview #limitedseries #theenglishlimitedseries
The Ruby Tuesday