Full title reads: “Scrapbook For 1922”.
Credits read: “The pages turned by Patric Curwen, The narration spoken by John Snagge, Music Director Hal Evans, Film Editor A Milner-Gardner, Written & Produced by Peter Baylis in association with Leslie Baily – Originator of the BBC feature ‘Scrapbook’. Thanks to The BBC, BFI, Daily Express, HMV – Recorded at Welwyn Studios.”
Intertitle: “From his knowledge of the past Man plans for the future. Once this knowledge could only be gleaned from the writings of historians. But, with the twentieth century came a new kind of record – the motion picture. To inform the young and to remind the not-so-young, this picture has been made.”
Pan along row of books starting at 1947 and going back in time until it reaches 1922. The book for 1922 is pulled out and laid open.
Traffic scenes in city. Shots of driver and conductor on bus. CU man with long beard. CU Oxford Bag trousers. CU milk being served from a pail. Title card from cartoon film – ‘Adventures of Felix the Cat’ – Frolics at the Circus’. Clip from cartoon. CU man wearing headphones trying to tune in radio.
CU hands turning pages of 1922 picture book. Pan across Allied WWI war cemetery. Unveiling of various war memorials. VS of German submarines (U-boats) being blown up. Shots of German munitions and guns being dismantled. LS of Ex-Kaiser and ‘Little Willie’ in exile. Former German liner ship sailing under British flag. Parade of Allied troops in occupied Rhineland. Scenes of depravation in inflation hit Germany. Crowds demonstrate in streets. LS of massed PT demonstration.
Fascist black shirts march on Rome, Italy. King Victor Emmanuel salutes from balcony. Fascist parade. MS Benito Mussolini and other early fascist leaders.
LS of House of Parliament and Big Ben. Fascist parade in London. Fascist funeral ceremony. Industrial scenes illustrating strikes and disputes. ‘19,850,000 days’ lost in strike. VS of building site. Shortage of ‘250,000 Houses’. Scenes of unemployment in Britain. Unemployed march. George Lansbury talks to demonstration in Trafalgar Sq., London. MS young Ernest Bevin, trades unionist. Scenes of people at docks emigrating to the Commonwealth. Scenes of unemployed outside Labour Exchange.
CU of gramophone needle playing on a record. More pages of 1922 Scrapbook. Scenes of people riding horses in Rotten Row, Hyde Park. Shots of Upper Class at Eton V Harrow Cricket Match. Scrapbook turns to ladies’ fashions. Various 1920s outfits are displayed.
CU of King George V and Queen Mary opening London’s County Hall. MS of Queen Alexandra. VS of Princesses Mary. MS Viscount Lascelles. Scenes of Royal wedding celebration. LS of HMS Reknown. MS of Prince Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII, Duke of Windsor) on his Royal Tour. Scenes from visits to India, Japan (meeting Hirohito). Prince of Wales around country – hunting, playing polo, with boy scouts. MS of Prince Albert, Duke of York (later King George VI) meeting football team.
Scrap book turns to sport. FA Football cup final at Stamford Bridge. Huddersfield V Preston North End. Oxford V Cambridge University boat race. Grand National horse racing. Scenes from the Derby. CU jockey Steve Donoghue writing at a desk. Shots of cricketers including Jack Hobbs. CU of boxer Jack Dempsey. Shots of boxer Jimmy Wilde. MS Kid Lewis. MS George Carpentier. CU Battling Seki (?). Shots of golfer Abe Mitchell. VS Tom Newman, billiards player. VS of tennis star Suzanne Lenglen. VS of women athletes. Dick Carr’s Ladies Football team. MS Cricketer Muriel Maxted. Women’s athletics.
Scrapbook for 1922 turns to pages about transport. Flying boat launched. Motorcars raced on banked track. Motorcycle racing. Speedboat racing. Wing walking and other aeroplane stunts. A stunt driver jumps a small house in an old car. Biplane crash lands on early aircraft carrier. MS of first Atlantic fliers. Shots of their plane. First King’s Cup Air Race. Winner is chaired by crowd. Ross Smith look over building of new flying boat. Shots of plane and crash site where he died. Shots of gliders. French flier Pescara shows off his helicopter. Failure of pedal powered plane.
Scrapbook turns to page about radio. Shots of Marconi testing radio device. Shots of technicians working on radio transmitter. CU Newspaper ‘Wireless For All”. CU Big Ben. CU traffic in London’s Strand. CU top of Marconi House early home of BBC. Arthur Burrows broadcasting. Technicians work machinery. VS radio masts and machines and performers. Shots of people listening to radio in various ways. (Radio garter included). Pan up radio mast.
See Next reel.
FILM ID:1909.01
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