BBC News Channel (2019) – Full 90 Second Countdown
It’s not very often that viewers are treated to a full 90 second countdown on the news channel in the UK, but today just happened to be one of those days. At 17:58.26 the countdown started, then it froze and suddenly reset to 87 seconds (that is the actual start point of the countdown as the music continues for 3 seconds after 00:00) and I thought “Oh no, there goes the chance of a full countdown!” – but weirdly, the countdown continued all the way to 00:00 and stayed on screen for a few seconds longer than usual. I do believe they may have been having technical problems because the BBC News at 6 presenter (Jane Hill) had already started reading the headlines by the time she was brought into vision.
Anyway, the BBC’s technical problems were our gain – enjoy the full 90 second countdown in glorious HD (with slightly enhanced audio to really make the music boom!)