President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden have fiercely clashed in the first US presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio.
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The 90-minute primetime duel saw the two rivals trade insults and shout angrily as they clashed over Covid-19, race, the economy and their families.
While Mr Biden criticised Mr Trump’s pandemic response, the president touted his economic prowess and promised it would bounce back.
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The two men repeatedly interrupted each other throughout, leading Mr Biden to retort: “Will you shut up, man?”
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Following several interjections from the president, the moderator, veteran TV journalist Chris Wallace, urged him to stop interrupting.
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Tens of millions of US voters tuned in to watch the event.
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As the debate came to a close, the two candidates were joined on stage by their wives, First Lady Melania Trump and Jill Biden.
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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the event at Case Western Reserve University had a limited and socially distanced, in-person audience.
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The candidates are due to meet for two further debates on 15 October in Miami, Florida, and 22 October in Nashville, Tennessee.
Their running mates, Vice-President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris, are due to go head-to-head on 7 October in Salt Lake City, Utah.